JUDr. Milan Vašíček, MBA, advokát
Dominikánské nám. 2, Palác Jalta, Brno
tel.: +420 541 425 555
Evidenční číslo: 03251
Inheritance law and management of assets
Law Faculty of the University of J. E. Purkyně in Brno (Masaryk University), title of JUDr.
Prague International Business School, title of MBA
Milan Vašíček is the founder of the law firm Vašíček and partners. he manily devotes his time to the management of the company and oversees the most crucial cases and provides valuable support, experience and exprtise. He is both a member of the Czech, Slovak and Cyprus bar associations and he is also a Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Morocco.
He emphasises team cooperation which he supports throughout the office.