Even in everyday situations, the institution of compensation is a rather difficult discipline and requires a large amount of evidence to be presented in court.
The State is liable for damage and loss of profit incurred by natural and legal persons in causal connection with crisis and emergency measures. The State is not liable for damage caused by the declaration of a state of emergency, but for damage caused by the specific crisis or emergency measure which gave rise to it. With regard to the cancellation of emergency measures by the Ministry of Health, the State is liable for the duration of the emergency measures under Act No 82/1998 Coll., on liability for damage caused in the exercise of public authority by a decision or incorrect official procedure, as amended, and for the period during which the crisis measures are in force, the State is liable under Act No 240/2000 Coll., on crisis management and on amendments to certain acts.
Please also note the limitation period, which is 6 months for damage arising under the Crisis Act and 3 years from the date of its occurrence for damage arising under the Act on State Liability for Damage.
Have you been affected by a crisis or other unpleasant matter and think you are entitled to compensation for damages and lost profits? Contact us.